Na začátku října jsme zůčastnili soutěže EuRoC, kde jsme umístili na 3. místě v kategorii H3 (hybrid do 3 km)
Download photos and videos of the Illustria launch here.
CTU Space Research is the first university team in the Czech Republic to develop rockets and other space engineering components. It was founded in 2021 at the Faculty of Engineering of CTU in Prague and by the end of the year it became a university-wide team of CTU. The main and now fulfilled vision of the team was to create a facility for students who want to pursue space projects and develop their practical skills during their studies.
The team consists of more than 50 students from various disciplines, mostly from the Czech Technical University in Prague. Their activities have been supported since their foundation by academic and industrial partners involved in development and production.
Za této podpory se týmu podařilo dosáhnout výšky 32 600 metrů s projektem Stratosat, v rámci kterého tým úspěšně otestoval pokročilou avioniku ve stratosféře. V roce 2023 se tým zúčastnil prestižní mezinárodní soutěže EuRoC v Portugalsku, kde obdržel třetí místo v kategorii hybrid.
In addition to its own projects, the team participates in events for the general public to inspire younger generations to study engineering and explore space.
Jindřich Bouška
PR Lead